Welcome to Saint George Parish of Hartford, located just west of Sioux Falls, SD. Our growing and thriving parish family exists to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ and His Church. Saint George Parish was founded in 1882, and the current building was erected in 2010. We hope you will join us for Holy Mass or another parish activity. Click here to learn how to join our parish and follow us on Facebook for news, and events.

Mass & Confession Times

~Sunday Mass~
Sunday: 9:00am

~Daily Mass~
Tuesday: 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am
Thursday: 5:30pm - Adoration 6-7pm
Friday: 8:00am
First Saturday: 8:30am

~Confession Times~
Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm
Tuesday: 4:45pm
Thursday: 6:00-7:00pm
First Saturday: Before/After Mass

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 10am-4pm



Saint George has online giving available for our weekly offerings, as well as other parish collections. Donating is simple, safe, and secure and takes less than five minutes. You are able to give to any of our collections and view complete financial records at any time. Set up a one-time or recurring donation by following these three easy steps:

Click on the Online Giving link.       Select the collection you wish to donate to and click to make a donation. Enter your payment information. That’s it. You can return at any time to edit your donation or to view your financial records. Please contact Rechelle if you would like assistance.

ST GEORGE: https://stgeorgehartford.weshareonline.org/

Sign up for Formed!

For online books, movies, bible studies, talks and more sign up for the free parish program called FORMED. 

Register HERE. Search for ST MICHAEL and enter the zip code: 57106

**The Saint George Food Pantry is open to anyone who is in need. It is open during office hours & by appointment; call & leave a message for Rechelle. Please specify what items you need & they will be bagged & waiting for pick up in the entry. Please spread the word that we are available and ready to help.